Celebrating Doctor's Week with Dr. John Foley


Dr. John Foley in front of Plumas District Hospital

A celebratory interview with Dr. John Foley, a Orthopedist at Plumas District Hospital. 

Can you introduce yourself?
I am Dr. Foley and I am an orthopedic surgeon.


Well, 当我1996年开始在特拉基全职实习时,那里已经有4名整形外科医生了, 我知道在实践中站稳脚跟会很缓慢. So, I looked for care in outlying communities. I started with half days in Easter Plumas County (EPHC), 然后澳门博彩开户送彩金会在午餐时间开车去澳门博彩试玩送彩金,下午做半天. 1996年10月,我和我的助理护士洛里开始这么做. We have been coming here every week since 1996.

What drew you to providing care in our community? 

There were a number of things. Professionally, we have the college here. (Feather River Community College). My sub-specialty is a certification in sports medicine, 所以这给了我一个很好的机会和昆西的一个大学团队保持联系. 特拉基没有当地的大学,只有高中和当地的滑雪队. 所以学院给我的实践带来了更多的多样性和多种运动的情况. 通过这些,我能够看到更多经典的、活跃的大学运动医学损伤. But also, there was a great need up here for orthopedics. When I moved up here, Dr. 尼克尔在练习,但他不做关节置换手术. After a few years, Dr. 尼克尔开始减少他在PDH的工作,这样我就可以开始轮岗了. 昆西和波托拉有大量需要关节置换的老年人. 所以昆西和波托拉的机会为骨科实践提供了更多的多样性. 特拉基没有那么多需要关节置换的老年患者. 这也进一步建立了与Tahoe Forest的关节置换手术的联系和直接转诊.

What is something that you like about the Quincy area?

我想这是25年前的特拉基,没有滑雪场. In general, I like the college, 我喜欢这样一个事实:有了积极进取的人口,这里的年轻人就有了很多快速进入大学教育的好机会, 学校与羽毛河学院之间的联系. 我还喜欢这里是普拉马斯县的所在地. 磨坊在这里,林务局在这里,县监狱在这里. 这些东西使昆西成为普拉马斯县的一站式商店. 就实践和社区的多样性而言,我喜欢它.

You have been commuting from Tahoe to Quincy, for twenty-six years, in all seasons, including snow and rain. 你能描述一下你在上下班途中的一次死里逃生吗?

Well we, my assisting nurse Lori, and a med student, were in a severe car accident when commuting here one time. Lori had broken her back, the med student broke their ankle, I dislocated my finger, and the folks in the other car had severe bone injuries. 我的狗也已经失踪好几个月了,事故发生时它在车里. 这是一只名叫“杰克”的宠物治疗犬,它会过来坐着迎接医生诊所的病人. Schad’s office. The dog was a small terrier mix. At the time of the accident, it was dark, it was night, it was snowing, and the dog ran away after the crash. 记住,这是一只在二月暴风雪中的小猎犬. 澳门博彩开户送彩金从特拉基和太浩地区派出了很多搜救队连续几天搜寻这只狗. About five days later, I get this call from a Snowmobiler, it’s pretty much in the middle of no-where, and they had found the dog! They returned it and the dog had many more good years. It was a devastating accident, with devastating outcomes in terms of the people involved, 但也有一线希望,那只狗终于回家了.


我的专业是研究骨骼和帮助骨骼运动的肌肉. We work with injuries, or arthritis, or degenerative changes, or trauma that occurs to the musculoskeletal system.
骨折的骨头大部分是四肢上的骨头. 这些是澳门博彩开户送彩金会帮助你完成治疗过程的东西,无论它们是需要固定还是施放. Torn ligaments or muscles, or tendons. We also evaluate and fix those. 澳门博彩开户送彩金治疗的是四肢的神经压迫,而不是脊柱. Sports injuries, traumatic injuries, degenerative issues such as arthritis, 肌肉和骨骼的老化问题也是澳门博彩开户送彩金要解决的问题.


It was where I had my interest. 我在大学里有运动背景,很多运动人士在治疗肌肉骨骼系统方面找到了共同点. 我很幸运地进入了骨科这个专科,因为今天这个专科的竞争非常激烈. It fits my personality as well. 在矫形术中,澳门博彩开户送彩金尽澳门博彩开户送彩金最大的能力修复病人,然后澳门博彩开户送彩金继续前进. 你不是在治疗一种慢性病,也不是在控制一种慢性病. 这更多的是修复它,如果它继续崩溃,再修复它. 骨科那种“解决问题”的环境非常适合我.

What do you find challenging in the work that you do?

I think that managing pain in general is challenging. Pain is so multi-factorial. It is not simple. It has to do with our biology, the social system, the individual’s psychiatric makeup, the effects of the surrounding community and nature, 以及这些因素如何影响病人的抱怨和康复. 控制疼痛,是澳门博彩开户送彩金必须做的最具挑战性的事情之一. Because, 尽管澳门博彩开户送彩金几乎看到了所有与四肢有关的东西, 如果涉及到疼痛并不一定是与我的专业相关的疼痛. 病人正在经历的疼痛可能有其他原因. So managing pain, and pain complaints, 在有很多其他因素的情况下很难吗.


We can do all we can to fix things that are broken, as close to their normal state as possible, so that a patient can carry on. 一般来说,这是最令人满意的事情之一,当你把东西重新组合在一起时. 澳门博彩开户送彩金也有替换东西的能力,总的来说,替换的效果非常好. This ability to repair, and replace things that give people a new lease on life, 或者让他们回到他们想做的事情上,这给我这个整形外科医生带来了很大的满足感.

Dr. 福利,非常感谢你对澳门博彩开户送彩金社区的贡献. Happy Doctor’s Week!

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